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Research Posters

Guidelines Submission Topics FAQ


Abstracts should be entered as plain text to make it easier to reproduce the information later. 

Abstracts must NOT contain figures, tables, photos or illustrations. 

Abstracts must be approximately 300 words long and include the following sections:

  • Aim – e.g. To evaluate, to analyse …
  • Methodology – a concise description of the experimental design, and materials and methods along with statistical tests
  • Results - results and statistical analysis
  • Conclusions – in brief and related to the results without speculation
  • Acknowledgements and/ or Funding source – if applicable

You may only present ONE abstract in each category. If you are not presenting the submission, make sure the presenter is NOT presenting another abstract in the same category.

Edits to submitted abstracts can be made until 1st March.


The ESE Research Committee is responsible for evaluating and selecting abstracts for presentation in the Research Poster section. There will be a blind review with 2 possible outcomes: accepted or rejected.


After the initial submission deadline, there will be no opportunity to modify abstracts or resubmit for further consideration. If the abstract does not comply with the guidance, is poorly written or information is missing, it will be rejected and authors offered the opportunity to be included in the General Endodontic Poster section.


All accepted research posters will be presented as a printed poster and will be moderated with 3 minutes allocated for presentation followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers. The nominated author must be in attendance for the entire session they are allocated to. 

Poster sessions will take place between 13:30 and 14:30 on Thursday, Friday or Saturday

Posters Presentation Format:
MUST be printed in portrait style. Size max 84 cm wide by 118 cm high (print size A0). 


Paul Dummer Research Award Competition: 

A limited number of high-quality submissions will be selected by the ESE Research Committee for oral presentation to the Paul Dummer Poster Award competition. Following the review process, invited authors will be given the opportunity to present their work as an oral presentation. 

Oral presentations will take place on Thursday 4th September 2025 between 11:00 and 12:30 (Hall 5) and will be limited to 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion. The best presentation will be awarded €1,000. 


Abstracts rejected from the Research Poster category will be given the opportunity to be included in the General Endodontic Poster section. Abstracts may be rejected for the following reasons:

  • The abstract is incomplete or poorly organized;
  • Information is missing (objective, methods, results – data and statistical analysis, conclusions);
  • The subject is not significant;
  • The abstract is not original or was already presented, or published;
  • Well-defined criteria are not given for evaluation of variables;
  • Poor choice of controls or no controls reported;
  • The method of obtaining data is not appropriate to the stated problem;
  • The conclusions are not supported by the results.

Abstracts accepted and presented as posters in the Research Poster section are published in the International Endodontics Journal and become part of the scientific literature. The Committee reserves the right to move the abstract to another Topic other than the one selected by the author. The presenter may withdraw the abstract at any time by emailing

Submission Topics

You will be asked to select one of the following topics for your submission:

  • Access cavity preparation
  • Biocompatibility and bioactivity
  • Canal filling (hydraulic calcium silicate cements)
  • Canal filling (leakage)
  • Canal filling (sealers)
  • Canal filling (other)
  • Canal preparation (apical extrusion)
  • Canal preparation (cleaning ability)
  • Canal preparation (cyclic fatigue and fracture)
  • Canal preparation (shaping ability)
  • Canal preparation (other)
  • Case report or case series
  • Clinical outcome studies (endodontic surgery)
  • Clinical outcome studies (regenerative endodontics)
  • Clinical outcome studies (root canal treatment and retreatment)
  • Clinical outcome studies (vital pulp therapy)
  • Clinical outcome studies (other)
  • Electronic apex locators and working length determination
  • Endo-perio lesion
  • Endodontic surgery
  • Epidemiology
  • Imaging
  • Irrigants/medicaments (antimicrobial activity)
  • Irrigants/medicaments (canal cleaning)
  • Irrigants/medicaments (dentine modification)
  • Local anaesthesia and pain control
  • Irrigants/medicaments (other)
  • Microbiology
  • New clinical techniques or materials
  • Pulp and periapical tissue biology and pathology
  • Regenerative endodontics
  • Restoration of root canal filled teeth
  • Retreatment
  • Root fractures
  • Tooth and canal anatomy
  • Tooth bleaching
  • Traumatic dental injuries 
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Endodontic Radiology
  • Other

Frequently Asked Questions on Research Posters:

Question: May I submit more than one abstract to present?
Answer: Applicants may present one poster in this subcategory. However, you may be a co-author on more than one poster.

Question: Can I submit an abstract on behalf of the presenter?
Answer: It is preferable that the presenting author is the submitting author as all information regarding the abstract will be sent to the submitting author. If you submit on behalf of someone else, you must identify the presenting author when submitting and must forward all the information onto the presenting author.

Question: When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
Answer: After the 1st May.

Question: If my abstract is not accepted can I present in another section?
Answer: Your abstract will automatically be included in the General Endodontic Poster section if it is not accepted as an Research Poster unless you state otherwise when submitting your abstract.

Question: When will I know what time I’m presenting my poster?
Answer: Shortly after the 1st May you will be notified of the day and time of your presentation.
Poster presentations will take place between 13:30 and 14:30 on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Make sure you are available to present on ALL of these days until you know your presentation day.

Question: How long should my poster presentation be?
Answer: You will be granted a 3-minute presentation followed by a 5-minute time for discussion.

Question: When will I know if my poster has been selected for in-room presentation and the Paul Dummer Research Poster Award competition?
Answer: Shortly after 1st May you will be notified if your poster has been selected for in-room presentation and the Paul Dummer Research Poster Award competition.
The Paul Dummer Research Poster Award competition will take place in Hall 5 on Thursday, between 11:00 to 12:30. Make sure you are available to present on this schedule.

Question: How long should my oral presentation be, should it be selected for presentation to Paul Dummer Research Poster Award competition?
Answer: You will be granted a 10-minute oral presentation time followed by 5 minutes for discussion.

Question: Can I change my presentation day?
Answer: No. The posters are arranged by topic and all the posters in that section are presented on the same day

Question: What time can I start setting up my poster for presentation?
Answer: All Presenters should have their poster up by 8:00 on the day of presentation. All posters must be left on display until 18:30 of the presentation day only. If your poster is still up after 18h30 it will be disposed of.

Question: If my poster is displayed but I do not present my poster will the abstract still be published in the International Endodontic Journal?
Answer: No. You need to display your poster and give your presentation on the time and day given to you or your abstract will be withdrawn and not published in the IEJ.

Question: Do I receive a discount on the registration for being a presenter?
Answer: No.

Question: Who should I contact with questions related to presenting?
Answer: Please contact