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The purpose of the Society is to be an organisation with global reach and impact focused on the broad field of Endodontology, the branch of dental sciences dealing with health, injuries to and diseases of the dental pulp and periradicular region, and their relationship with general health and wellbeing.

Oral Presentations on Freely Chosen Subjects

Guidelines Submission Topics FAQ



Abstracts should be entered as plain text to make it easier to reproduce the information later. 

Abstracts must NOT contain figures, tables, photos or illustrations. 

Abstracts must be approximately 300 words long and include the following sections:

  • Aim of the presentation
  • Summary of the talk
  • Key Learning Points (bulleted)

After the initial submission deadline, there will be no opportunity to modify abstracts or resubmit for further consideration. If the abstract does not comply with the guidance, is poorly written or information is missing, it will be rejected and authors offered the opportunity to be included in the General Endodontic Poster section.


Abstracts submitted in this category will be critically appraised by the ESE. Only those accepted will be invited to present at the Congress. Submissions may be on any topic within the broad scope of Endodontology including clinical, physical, biological and social sciences, systemic health, wellbeing, and education. There will be a blind review and 2 possible outcomes: accepted or rejected.



Presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint and should be no more than 15 minutes long with an additional 2-3 minutes for questions from the audience.


Abstracts rejected from this category will be offered the opportunity to be included in the General Endodontic Poster section.

Submission Topics

You will be asked to select one of the following topics for your submission:

  • Access cavity preparation
  • Biocompatibility and bioactivity
  • Canal filling (hydraulic calcium silicate cements)
  • Canal filling (leakage)
  • Canal filling (sealers)
  • Canal filling (other)
  • Canal preparation (apical extrusion)
  • Canal preparation (cleaning ability)
  • Canal preparation (cyclic fatigue and fracture)
  • Canal preparation (shaping ability)
  • Canal preparation (other)
  • Case report or case series
  • Clinical outcome studies (endodontic surgery)
  • Clinical outcome studies (regenerative endodontics)
  • Clinical outcome studies (root canal treatment and retreatment)
  • Clinical outcome studies (vital pulp therapy)
  • Clinical outcome studies (other)
  • Endodontics Curriculum Development
  • Digital Tools for Endodontic Education
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Simulation
  • Assessment (knowledge, preclinical and clinical)
  • Innovations for education and improving endodontic care
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality in Endodontic Training and Practice
  • Cases Portfolio
  • UG Learning & Teaching (knowledge, preclinical and clinical)
  • PG Learning & Teaching (knowledge, preclinical and clinical)
  • Feedback, mentoring and coaching
  • Electronic apex locators and working length determination
  • Endo-perio lesion
  • Endodontic surgery
  • Epidemiology
  • Imaging
  • Irrigants/medicaments (antimicrobial activity)
  • Irrigants/medicaments (canal cleaning)
  • Irrigants/medicaments (dentine modification)
  • Local anaesthesia and pain control
  • Irrigants/medicaments (other)
  • Microbiology
  • New clinical techniques or materials
  • Pulp and periapical tissue biology and pathology
  • Regenerative endodontics
  • Restoration of root canal filled teeth
  • Retreatment
  • Root fractures
  • Tooth and canal anatomy
  • Tooth bleaching
  • Traumatic dental injuries 
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Endodontic Radiology
  • Other

Frequently Asked Questions on Oral Presentations on freely chosen subjects:

Question: May I submit more than one abstract to present?
Answer: Applicants can present only one talk in this category. However, you may be a co-author on more than one abstract.

Question: Can I submit an abstract on behalf of the presenter?
Answer: It is preferable that the presenting author is the submitting author as all information regarding the abstract will be sent to the submitting author. If you submit on behalf of someone else, you must identify the presenting author when submitting and must forward all the information onto the presenting author.

Question: When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
Answer: After the 1st May.

Question: If my abstract is not accepted can I present in another section?
Answer: Your abstract will automatically be included in the General Endodontic poster section if it is not accepted as an Oral presentation on a freely chosen subject unless you state otherwise when submitting your abstract.

Question: When will I know the time of my presentation?
Answer: Shortly after 1st May you will be notified of the day and time of your presentation.
Presentations will either be on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Make sure you are available to present on ALL of these days until you know your presentation day.

Question: Can I change my presentation day?
Answer: No. The talks will be arranged by Topic and cannot be changed.

Question: How long should my presentation be?
Answer: No more than 15 minutes. There will be 2-3 minutes for questions following your presentation.

Question: Do I receive a discount on the registration for being a presenter?
Answer: No.

Question: Who should I contact if I need clarification or help?
Answer: Please contact